Wednesday, 28 February 2018

A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 1, part 12

ə ˈmæn ˈentəd | hu kəd ˈhɑːdli əv biːn ˈles | ðən ˈsɪks ˈfiːt ˈsɪks ˈɪnʧɪz ɪn ˈhaɪt | wɪð ðə ˈʧest ən ˈlɪmz əv ə ˈhɜːkjəliːz || hɪz ˈdres wəz ˈrɪʧ wɪð ə ˈrɪʧnəs | wɪʧ ˈwʊd ɪn ˈɪŋɡləm | bi ˈlʊkt əˈpɒn | əz əˈkɪn tə ˈbæd ˈteɪst || ˈhevi ˈbænz əv ˈæstrəkæn | wə ˈslæʃt əˈkrɒs ðə ˈsliːvz ən ˈfrʌnts | əv ɪz ˈdʌbl̩ ˈbrestɪɡ ˈkəʊt | waɪl ðə ˈdiːp ˈbluː ˈkləʊk | wɪʧ wəz ˈθrəʊn ˈəʊvər ɪz ˈʃəʊldəz | wəz ˈlaɪnd wɪð ˈfleɪm ˈkʌləd ˈsɪlk | ən sɪˈkjɔːd ət ðə ˈnek wɪð ə ˈbrəʊʧ | wɪʧ kənˈsɪstɪd əv ə ˈsɪŋɡl̩ ˈfleɪmɪŋ ˈberəl || ˈbuːts wɪʧ ɪkˈstendɪd ˈhɑːfweɪ ˈʌp ɪz ˈkɑːvz | ən wɪʧ wə ˈtrɪmd ət ðə ˈtɒps | wɪð ˈrɪʧ ˈbraʊn ˈfɜː | kəmˈpliːtɪd ði ɪmˈpreʃn̩ | əv bɑːˈbærɪk ˈɒpjuləns | wɪʧ wəz səˈʤestɪb baɪ ɪz ˈhəʊl əˈpɪərəns || hi ˈkærid ə ˈbrɔːd ˈrɪmd ˈhæt ɪn ɪz ˈhænd | waɪl i ˈwɔːr əˈkrɒs ði ˈʌpə ˈpɑːt əv ɪz ˈfeɪs | ɪkˈstendɪŋ ˈdaʊm ˈpɑːs ðə ˈʧiːkbəʊnz | ə ˈblæk ˈvɪzəb ˈmɑːsk | wɪʧ id əˈpærəntli əˈʤʌstɪd | ˈðæt ˈveri ˈməʊmənt | fər ɪz ˈhænd wəz ˈstɪl ˈreɪzd tu ɪt | əz i ˈentəd || frəm ðə ˈləʊə ˈpɑːt ə ðə ˈfeɪs | hi əˈpɪəd tə bi ə ˈmæn əv ˈstrɒŋ ˈkærəktə | wɪð ə ˈθɪk ˈhæŋɪŋ ˈlɪp | ən ə ˈlɒŋ ˈstreɪt ˈʧɪn | səˈʤestɪv əv ˈrezəˈluːʃn̩ | ˈpʊʃt tə ðə ˈleŋθ əv ˈɒbstənəsi

Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes. “Reproduced from the original publication in The Strand Magazine with the classic illustrations by Sidney Paget.” Edison, New Jersey: Castle Books, [after 1954]. Internet Archive version of a copy donated by Friends of the San Francisco Library.

A man entered who could hardly have been less than six feet six inches in height, with the chest and limbs of a Hercules. His dress was rich with a richness which would, in England, be looked upon as akin to bad taste. Heavy bands of astrakhan were slashed across the sleeves and fronts of his double-breasted coat, while the deep blue cloak which was thrown over his shoulders was lined with flame-coloured silk and secured at the neck with a brooch which consisted of a single flaming beryl. Boots which extended halfway up his calves, and which were trimmed at the tops with rich brown fur, completed the impression of barbaric opulence which was suggested by his whole appearance. He carried a broad-brimmed hat in his hand, while he wore across the upper part of his face, extending down past the cheekbones, a black vizard mask, which he had apparently adjusted that very moment, for his hand was still raised to it as he entered. From the lower part of the face he appeared to be a man of strong character, with a thick, hanging lip, and a long, straight chin suggestive of resolution pushed to the length of obstinacy.

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