Sunday, 25 February 2018

A Scandal in Bohemia: Chapter 1, part 9

ˈnɒt ə ˈtɔːl || ðə ˈʤiː wɪð ðə ˈsmɔːl ˈtiː | ˈstænz fə ɡəˈzelʃɑːft | wɪʧ ɪz ðə ˈʤɜːmən fə ˈkʌmpəni || ɪts ə ˈkʌstəmri kənˈtrækʃn̩ | laɪk ˈɑː ˈsiːˈəʊ || ˈpiː | əv ˈkɔːs | ˈstænz fə pæˈpiːə || ˈnaʊ fə ði ˈiːˈʤiː || ˈlets ˈɡlɑːns | ət ɑː ˈkɒntəˈnentl̩ ˈɡæzəˈtɪə || hi ˈtʊk ˈdaʊn | ə ˈhevi ˈbraʊn ˈvɒljuːm | frəm ɪʒ ˈʃelvz || ˈləʊ | ˈlənɪts | ˈhɪə | wi ˈɑː | ˈriə || ɪts ɪn ə ˈʤɜːmən ˈspiːkɪŋ ˈkʌntri | ɪm bəˈhiːmiə | ˈnɒt ˈfɑː frəm ˈkɑːlzbæd || rɪˈmɑːkəbl̩ əz ˈbiːɪŋ ðə ˈsiːn | əv ðə ˈdeθ əv ˈwɒlənstaɪn | ən fər ɪts ˈnjuːmərəs ˈɡlɑːs ˈfæktriz | əm ˈpeɪpə ˈmɪlz || ˈhɑː ˈhɑː maɪ ˈbɔɪ | ˈwɒt ʤu ˈmeɪk ə ˈðæt || hɪz ˈaɪz ˈspɑːkl̩d | ən i ˈsent ˈʌp | ə ˈɡreɪp ˈbluː traɪˈʌmfəŋk ˈklaʊd | frəm ɪz ˈsɪɡəˈret

“Not at all. The ‘G’ with the small ‘t’ stands for ‘Gesellschaft,’ which is the German for ‘Company.’ It is a customary contraction like our ‘Co.’ ‘P,’ of course, stands for ‘Papier.’ Now for the ‘Eg.’ Let us glance at our Continental Gazetteer.” He took down a heavy brown volume from his shelves. “Eglow, Eglonitz—here we are, Egria. It is in a German-speaking country—in Bohemia, not far from Carlsbad. ‘Remarkable as being the scene of the death of Wallenstein, and for its numerous glass-factories and paper-mills.’ Ha, ha, my boy, what do you make of that?” His eyes sparkled, and he sent up a great blue triumphant cloud from his cigarette.

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